Get Complete Email
and Phone Data sets  With
Prospect IQ’s Waterfall

Wave goodbye to missing phone numbers, dialing ‘office numbers’ and bounced emails.

Go on - With Prospect IQ, ‘zoom’ into the most complete ‘info’ you’ve ever had on prospects.

Prospect IQ’s Waterfall Model
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With Your Current Data Vendor, You’re Missing Out On 50%
Of Your Qualified Prospects

Reaching out to 5000 prospects? Prepare to build a list of 10,000.

The Reason?

Traditional data tools use only one provider - which leave data gaps across
channels (email, phone), verticals, geos and industries.

The Result?

process image

Prospect IQ’s Solution: Combine 10+ Data Providers
In a Waterfall Model

Verified email and phone data for every contact

Verified email and phone data
for every contact

High Validity Scores

High Validity Scores
for every piece of
contact information

for every piece of contact information

Couldn’t connect? We’ll request
alternate email and phone data
from another provider.

How Prospect IQ Works

Traditional ‘single-source’ data providers lead to low enrichment on phone data and high email bounce
rates because they have no way to verify data quality or back-fill missing data.

Prospect IQ uses a ‘Waterfall Model’ to combine data from multiple providers. We execute multiple enrichments on top
of each other to achieve an unparalleled 98% enrich rate for email and phone data.


Accurate, Verified Contact Data For Every Prospect.
It’s Outbound Magic.


Engage 100% of your
good-fit prospects


Reach out confidently across
multiple channels


Multi-thread opportunities
like a pro


Save time wasted on


Save money on buying lists
from multiple vendors


Improve meetings booked per
100 prospects

Beating Your Quota Starts With High-Quality
Prospecting Data

High-quality prospecting data starts with Prospect IQ. Go on - ‘zoom’ into the most complete ‘info’ you’ve
ever had on accounts and prospects.